Every year we publish over 100 titles, mainly academic monographs, conference volumes, memorial books, dictionaries, source editions and translations, as well as academic journals. In addition, we publish popular science books, editions of Old Polish literary works, memoirs, poetry and journalist texts as well as regional publications. In our activities, we combine the reliability of traditional editing with the latest technological achievements, as evidenced by our offer of electronic books, as well as open access academic journals, prepared in accordance with the highest academic standards, and their electronic service which we provide in international scientific bibliographies and databases.
Per Year
We publish mainly books in Polish and English, but also in other congress languages, such as German, Spanish and Russian. Due to our cooperation with specialists in the field of classical and oriental philology, translations from these languages also find their place in our publishing catalogue. We focus on the following fields:

We provide our clients with a comprehensive publishing process, which consists of multi-stage editing and proofreading, graphic and typographic design of the text and covers, as well as printing a traditional or professionally preparing an electronic version (more: Editorial Process).
Being well aware of the changes taking place in modern academic communication, we offer a modern way of editing single and multi-author monographs and academic journals by disseminating publications on our online platforms and in international bibliographic databases using the DOI digital identifier and ORCID author identifier.
We are currently gradually implementing an electronic management system for the publishing process regarding both journals and monographs.
We make every effort to ensure that the publications we publish are of a highest academic level, therefore we only accept texts that have been reviewed by at least two independent specialists in a given field. In our activities, we follow the ethical guidelines regarding the publishing of academic papers that enable the elimination of unfair practices, recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (more: Publishing Policies).
Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing offers:
- nearly 30 years of experience in the academic publishing industry,
- high editorial quality of our publications, also in foreign languages,
- support for bibliographic styles adopted in individual academic fields,
- professional publishing of conference and occasional volumes, as well as commemorative books,
- cooperation with the editor at every stage of publication,
- professional services regarding academic journals,
Feel free to contact us by e-mail via the contact form, by phone or come to see us in person at our office located in Krakow at ul. sw. Anny 9 (2nd floor).