Guidelines for Authors

In editorial work, we use different systems of organization of citations in publications, depending on a particular scientific discipline ( Chicago, APA, MLA, Harvard). In view of the increasing demands placed on scientific publications by the digital world, in our work we attach particular importance to the quality of bibliographic descriptions.

We are aware of the city of bibliographic styles available, which have been greatly facilitated by bibliography mandjers such as Zotero, Mendeley and EndNote, as well as the style libraries available within them. However, as a publishing house, we have developed our own proven publishing standard over the years for texts in Polish, which is available below.

For English texts, we have adopted the use of the Chicago bibliographic style in the Author-Date version. A guide to this style is available at The Chicago Manual of Style Online.

For texts in other languages (e.g. French, Spanish, Portuguese), the Chicago style is the basis for developing a bibliographic style. In addition, we make every effort to map spelling and punctuation habits appropriate to a given language to facilitate communication with users of that language.