Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

In our publishing activities, we use ethical standards applicable in academic publishing. In this respect, we follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We require that all parties involved in the publication process adhere to ethical standards – this applies to authors, monograph editors, reviewers and, finally, publishers.


1. Decision on Publication

The Editorial Director is responsible for the final approval or rejection of a text for publication. They take such decision after considering the results of the review stages (for more, see Peer Review Process), as well as after consultations with the Editorial Board, and, if necessary, additional opinion of experts in a given field. The decision to reject or accept a manuscript for publication is made solely on the basis of its originality, validity and clarity, as well as its compliance with the Publisher’s profile.

2. Editorial Process

The Publisher undertakes to act to the best of his editorial knowledge and skills.
The Publisher follows the rules of publishing ethics and apply good publishing practices, as well as introduce procedures to help detect and prevent bad publishing practices.
The Publisher supervises the compliance to the ethical principles of publications, which are the responsibility of other parties of the publishing process, including counteracting phenomena such as ghost writing and guest authorship.
The Publisher reserves the right to withdraw from the editing process due to detecting bad publishing practices.
The Publisher undertakes to ensure the integrity of the written record of the published texts by being ready to introduce, if necessary, appropriate errata or withdraw the whole or parts of the text.

3. Fair Play

The Publisher declares that publications are assessed only in terms of their content and are published for their value – the publication process is not influenced by gender, religion, race or political beliefs of the Author or Authors.

4. Disclosure of Information

The Publisher is bound by the confidentiality principle, according to which they undertake not to disclose any information about the submitted texts to anyone except the parties of the publishing process. At the same time, they may not use the information from the submitted and unpublished materials for other purposes without the express and written consent of the Author or Authors, or make the manuscripts available to other authors, reviewers or publishers. The Editorial Director decides whether a person has access to a given piece of information.

5. Detection of Irregularities

In the event of detection of irregularities related to academic misconduct and non-compliance with the ethical principles formulated by the Publisher, the Publisher shall document these irregularities and transfer them to appropriate entities (including institutions employing the Authors, academic societies, research institutions, or editorial boards of academic publications).

6. Withdrawal of the Publication

The Publisher will consider withdrawing a publication if at least one of the following irregularities has been detected:

  • the research has been previously published elsewhere without providing an appropriate link, consent or justification (cases of redundant publications),
  • the text has been plagiarised or bases on unethical research,
  • there is clear evidence that the findings contained in the text are unreliable due to wrong research procedures (including fabricated data) or the honest mistake.

Notifications of text withdrawal should state and clearly specify the reasons for such a decision. The withdrawn articles will not be removed from the printed or electronic version of a collective monograph or journal, but the fact of their withdrawal will be clearly indicated and marked. In the case of other publications, the electronic versions will not be deleted, and the decision regarding printed versions will be made individually.


1. Editorial Process

The Editor of the monograph undertakes to control whether the Authors and Reviewers comply with the ethical principles related to academic publishing, and shall take the available measures to detect any irregularities and abuses.

The Editor declares that they are familiar with the publishing ethics of Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing, the course of the publishing process and other policies adopted by the Publisher. They also undertake to cooperate with the Publisher in the publishing process and developing a marketing strategy.

The Editor together with the Publisher undertake to ensure the integrity of the written record of the published texts by being ready to introduce, if necessary, appropriate errata or withdraw the whole or parts of the text.

2. Decision on Publication

The Editor is responsible for the final approval or rejection of the text for publication in a monograph or series, as well as for the academic merit of the publication. The Editor decides to accept or reject the text, taking into account the results of stages of review (for more see Peer Review Process). The decision to reject or accept a text for inclusion in a monograph or publishing series is made solely on the basis of its originality, validity and clarity, as well as its compliance with the subject area of the monograph or publishing series.

3. Confidentiality

TThe Editor and members of the Editorial Board shall ensure that all materials submitted for publication in a monograph or publishing series are kept confidential. They may not be presented to anyone or discussed with anyone except those involved in the publishing process or persons specifically authorized to do so.

4. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

In the submitted texts, all Authors must provide information on any financial or other substantial conflict of interest that could influence the research results or their interpretation in the text. If the article is related to research funded by a grant from the National Science Center or other institution or association, the Author is required to provide this information in a footnote along with the grant number.

5. Fair Play

The Editor declares that the publications are assessed only in terms of their content and are published for their value – the publication process is not influenced by gender, religion, race or political beliefs of the Author or Authors.

6. Withdrawal of Articles in Collective Monographs or Publications in a Publishing Series

The Editor will consider withdrawing a publication if at least one of the following irregularities has been detected:

  • the research has been previously published elsewhere without providing an appropriate reference, consent or justification (cases of redundant publications),
  • the text has been plagiarised or bases on unethical research,
  • there is clear evidence that the findings contained in the text are unreliable due to wrong research procedures (including fabricated) or the honest mistake.

Notifications of text withdrawal should state and clearly specify the reasons for such a decision. The withdrawn articles will not be removed from the printed or electronic version of the monograph, while the fact of their withdrawal will be clearly indicated and marked. In the case of publication in a series, the electronic versions will not be deleted, and the decision regarding the printed versions will be made individually.


1. Reporting Standards

Authors reporting on the results of original research should provide a reliable justification of the work completed and objectively argue their significance. In the submitted manuscript, key data should be presented in an appropriate manner. If the Author is aware of the fact, providing completely or partially false statements is considered illegal and unethical.

2. Originality and Plagiarism

The Author is required to assure the Publisher that his work is entirely original and that the names of the authors cited in the work and/or excerpts from the cited works, including his own, are correctly quoted or mentioned in it. The detection of plagiarism or self-plagiarism excludes the text from the publication process.

3. Multiple, Redundant and Parallel Publications

Submitting the same text for publication in more than one collective monograph or journal is considered unethical and unacceptable.

4. Acknowledgement of Sources

The Author should acknowledge using the results of other people’s work. They should also cite publications that contributed to the creation of the submitted work.

5. Authorship of the Manuscript

The Author is obliged to provide information about persons who in any way contributed to the creation of the article, and in the case of multi-Author publications, to reliably specify the contribution of individual authors to the work. This procedure aims to prevent practices such as ghostwriting and guest authorship. It is, therefore, necessary to list all co-authors of the article, with their affiliation, and information on the Author of the concepts, assumptions, methods, etc. used in creating the publication. If assistance from third parties or institutions is involved, an appropriate note should be made in footnote or acknowledgment.

6. Data Access Retention

The Author may be asked to provide raw data for review. They should also be prepared to provide public access to such data and retain it for a reasonable period of time after publication.

7. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Authors should provide information in their work on any financial or other material conflict of interest that could influence the research results or their interpretation in the text. If the article is related to research funded by a grant from the National Science Center or other institution or association, the Author is required to provide this information in a footnote along with the grant number.

8. Fundamental Errors in Publication

If the Author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the published work, he is obliged to immediately notify the Editor of the collective monograph or journal or the Publisher directly and cooperate with them on withdrawing the text or introducing appropriate corrections.

9. Editorial Process

The Author declares that they are familiar with the Publisher’s ethical principles, the course of the editorial process and other policies adopted by the Publisher. They also undertake to cooperate with the Publisher in the publishing process and developing a marketing strategy.


1. Contribution to Decision on Publication

The Reviewer’s assessment has a significant impact on accepting the submitted text for publication and is intended to help the Authors prepare the best possible version of the manuscript.

2. Promptness

A Reviewer who does not feel qualified to evaluate the content of the submitted text or knows that they are unable to prepare a review within the specified time, should notify the Editorial Director without delay so that they can contact another Reviewer.

3. Confidentiality

Texts for review must be treated as confidential documents. They may not be presented to or discussed with anyone other than those authorized by the Editorial Director. Information and ideas that the Reviewer gets acquainted with during their work must be kept confidential and may not be used for personal gain.

4. Standards of Objectivity

Reviewers are required to be objective in their work. They should present their point of view using appropriate argumentation. The use of personal criticism and defamatory remarks against the Author is unacceptable. The assessments made should be transparent with the use of reliable reasoning and, if necessary, references.

5. Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers should indicate the works relevant to a given text, which have not been included in it. The Reviewer should also inform the Editorial Director in the event of any observed significant similarities of the submitted text with other published materials known to the Reviewer.

6. Conflict of Interest

The Reviewer should not assess the submitted text if there is a conflict of interest resulting from competition, cooperation or other relationship with the Author or any of the Authors. They should also declare no conflict of interest by means of a written statement, and if there is one, report it immediately to the Publisher or Editor of the monograph.


Following our obligation to prevent abuses such as ghostwriting and guest/gift authorship in the publishing process, we require our Authors to sign an appropriate declaration in which they disclose the contribution of other individuals to the publication and provide information about the sources of its financing and possible contributions from other entities. In the second part of the document, we ask to confirm the originality of the text submitted for publication in writing. The Author submitting the text is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

Author’s declaration – download


Authors and reviewers are asked to sign a declaration of absence of conflict of interest. The form is available below:
