What is open access?
Open Access is a form of free access to full-text electronic versions of academic publications on the Internet. It is also an element of the wider phenomenon of open science. The use of this model increases the access to the text of potential readers from around the world and from various academic disciplines, and also has a significant impact on the increase in the number of citations of a given publication.
Open Access Sharing Licenses – Creative Commons
One way of making electronic versions of academic publications freely available, according to the law, in the open access model is using the standardized Creative Commons license. This license specifies how the downloaded publication may be used by Readers. Depending on the option selected, there are limitations to the ability to read, download, copy, distribute and reuse the work.
Our publishing house recommends using the option Creative Commons: Attribution – Non-Commercial Use – No Derivative Works 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.). It is also possible to receive license in other combinations. More details about the available options can be found here.
Authors and Editors are encouraged to check if the institution providing funding for publications has not specified specific requirements for sharing them within the open access framework.
Open Access Types
There are several types of open access, each with a slightly different publishing path. The differences appear in relation to the moment of ‘release’ of the publication, the charging of any additional fees, and the possible places for sharing and archiving. The most common are the gold and green models.
Do you want to know more?
Ch.W. Bailey Jr., Open Access Bibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-Prints and Open Access Journals, 2012 – 15.11.2020.
MNiSW, Otwarty dostęp do publikacji naukowych – 15.11.2020.
Wikipedia, Open access – 15.11.2020.
Publisher’s Policy
1. Open Access Models Adopted
Both in the case of one-author and multi-author monographs, as well as academic journals, Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing has adopted open access policy with the leading publication path in the gold open access model with a fee and immediate “release”.
The model of green open access may also be used, but with an embargo of 12-24 months, after which the publication is made available free of charge.
Detailed information related to the open access policy regarding academic journals can be found on the websites of individual journals, available on our electronic platform: journals.akademicka.pl.
2. Charges
In the golden open access model, an additional fee is charged for the costs of the publishing process, which guarantees immediate “release” of publications immediately after the end of the production process. In the case of journals and collective monographs, the fee applies to individual articles (Article Processing Charge), and in the case of monographs, the entire publication (Book Processing Charge). Details related to fees are provided during the first meeting of the Author or Editor in our office.