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Macedonian discourses. Text Linguistics and Pragmatics

Maciej Kawka

Stron: 286
ISBN: 9788323340317


Maciej Kawka



Stron: 286

ISBN: 9788323340317

Prof. Maciej Kawka, PhD – linguist, Macedonist and Slavist – is a fulltime professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He taught at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje in the period between 1978–1981, and at the Aix-en-Provence University between 1999–2001. His research interests lie in the field of text linguistics and discourse, language pragmatics and media communication  with special regard to confrontational description of the Polish compared to the Macedonian language.
Repeatedly, he took part in the Seminar on Macedonian language and literature in Ohrid. He won Golden Plaque (2007 and 2009) from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University for his contribution in the development and affirmation of the Macedonian language, literature and culture.
He is the author of more than 150 works and articles, of which a large number directly concern Macedonistic  problematic, for example: O kodyfikacji normy współczesnego języka macedońskiego (2002), The Macedonian Language in a Multiethnic Society (2014), Zhivko Chingo, In the Eve of the Maccabees – Within the Circle of Biblical Transpositions (2015), Поимите “дискурс” и “жанр” во лингвистиката (2015) etc. as well as monographs: Słownik syntaktyczno-semantyczny czasowników polskich (1980), Metatekst w tekście narracyjnym na przykładzie wybranych utworów literatury dla dzieci (1991), Polski–macedoński. Studia konfrontatywne (1996), Dyskurs szkolny. Zagadnienia języka (1999), Sześć dyskursów o języku (2012).